I predominantly work at the intersection of Development, Labor, Education, and Gender economics.
Long-term and Intergenerational Effects of Education: Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia
with Richard Akresh and Marieke Kleemans (The Economic Journal) [NBER working paper, Ungated World Bank PRWP]
Featured on VoxDev, VoxEU, GlobalDev (in Spanish and French), Development Impact
Preschool Availability and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Indonesia
with Hillary C. Johnson and Elizaveta Perova (Economic Development and Cultural Change) [Ungated Accepted Manuscript, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper version]
Featured on EAPGIL policy brief, CGDev
Gender Differences in Responses to Nudges: Evidence from a Randomized Trial of Prospective Economics Majors
with Elizabeth Powers, Rebecca Thornton (AEA Papers and Proceedings) [Ungated World Bank working paper]
Treatment packages
Childcare and Mothers’ Labor Market Outcomes in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries: Policies & Impact
with Elizaveta Perova and Sarah Reynolds (World Bank Research Observer) [Ungated World Bank working paper).
Not All That It Seems : Narrowing of Gender Gaps in Employment during the Onset of COVID-19 in Indonesia
with Sean Hambali and Ririn Purnamasari (Asian Development Review) [Ungated World Bank working paper).
Working Papers
Why Do People Move? A Data-driven Approach to Identifying and Predicting Gender-specific Aspirations to Migrate (with Suneha Seetahul) [World Bank working paper]
Gendered Impacts of Climate Change : Evidence from Weather Shocks (with Anna Fruttero, Chiara Broccolini, Bernardo Coelho, Horace Gninafon, and Noël Muller) [World Bank working paper]
Minimum Wage and School Enrollment: Evidence from Indonesia (draft available upon request)
Supporting Safe Migration of Prospective Migrants in Indonesia
with Aneesh Mannava, Elizaveta Perova, Ririn Salwa Purnamasari, and Ganesh Seshan
Baseline data collected (see EAPGIL Policy Brief)